Friday, February 7, 2014


Google in its simplest form is a medium for searching and obtaining information. But Google has become so much more than just a search engine. Google is the driving force for how people look up information. At the same time though, it has moved passed just being a search engine and now has Google Maps, Google Earth, Gmail, Google Docs, Google Drive, Google Chrome and the list goes on and on. You can use Google for almost anything, and if you can use Google to do something, you can google how to. Today's younger generation would be lost without Google, I know I would be (in more than one way, I live by google maps!). Google has become an essential part in everyday life to the point where its not called searching for something anymore, its googling for something; Google has become its own verb (its even in the dictionary).

Being the geographically challenged individual that I am, Google maps saves me. Even when I'm talking to my older brother about pretty much anything, if I don't know what something he said means or don't know where a place is that he's talking about, being the teacher he is, he tells me to learn for myself and go google it. I honestly cannot remember the last time I went a day without googling something. Google is a medium that has become a way of life for our generation.

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